HPLC (2)

Step-by-Step Video Instructions • Peer-Reviewed HPLC Video Protocols


Video Protocols are a Must Have for Researchers

Save Lab Reagents
Expedite Research Outcomes
Increase Productivity
Modern notebook computer with future technology media symbols
  • Library of over 19,000 peer-reviewed  video protocols
  • Step-by-step video instructions on HPLC protocols
  • Rigorous review process


The Impact of JoVE on Researchers' Productivity
"Seeing the lab method performed immediately provides a wealth of information to the viewer. This information conveys a realistic idea of how the method is done, what is needed to do it, and helps the viewer analyze how they should proceed." - DR. MICHELE CALOS, Stanford University
"By using JoVE I was able to improve dissection techniques, saving the lab time and money. I was also able to learn new techniques that saved the lab from having to hire new personnel to collect the samples (this would have been a ~$40,000 salaried position)." - DR. MARY WALLINGFORD, SENIOR FELLOW - University of Washington
“What's remarkable about JoVE as a product is that students can look at a process, examine it step-wise and repeat, and actually be able to look at somebody conducting very expensive, very specific types of laboratory work without actually having to be in the same lab.” - MITCHELL C. BROWN, Research Librarian, University of California, Ivrine